Photo by Kimberly Leja Atwood of Elephant Room Gallery with the work of YAMS - Chicago, IL

I was once described as “Jerry Saltz but more attractive.” While the truthfulness of that might be debatable, I have spent quite a bit of time writing about art. I’ve completed regional series about the art scenes of Denver, CO and Glasgow, UK and written extensively about a wide spectrum of visual art from fine arts in museums like the Mattress Factory and the Carnegie Museum of Art to graffiti in abandoned churches.


Shtetl Art Gallery: Brooklyn’s First Hasidic Art Space
The Dynamic Street Art Storytelling of Casey Kawaguchi
Nasrin Sheykhi Draws a Free Future for Iranian Women
Ish Muhammad’s The Astros & Me
Nkem Okwechime Creates His Own Formula
The Boys from the Heights at Graffiti HeArt
Grant Catton: Economics, Expressionism, Espresso
Venazir Martinez, Baguio City’s “Anthropreneur”
Early Riser’s New York


Sharpsburg, PA - Past, Present Future
Dreaming at the Mattress Factory
Carrie Furnace’s Blood, Sweat, and Fire
A Pink Apocalypse in Elizabeth, PA
The Year Ceramics took Cincinnati

An Unseen Side of Andy Warhol
Silver Eye Center for Photography’s Biennial Exhibition Returns with Radial Survey Vol III
Lydia Rosenberg’s ‘Lamp Store’ Lights Up Mexican War Streets

Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
Warhol Museum installs 10 ‘Jewish Geniuses’ amid controversy
Milton and Sheila Fine Collection opens at Carnegie Museum of Art

Celebrate Life: A Conversation About “Multihyphenate” at moniquemeloche with Candida Alvarez
Three Galleries, One Building: Dan Devening, Claudine Isé and Elizabeth Lalley on Exhibiting at the Albany-Carroll

Whitehot Magazine

Finding Ester Petukhova
Akudzwe Elsie Chiwa’s God of Questions

Carnegie Museums Magazine
Q+A with Aaron Levi Garvey


Is it morning for you yet? - 58th Carnegie International Finds Beauty in the Broken
A Real Genuine Fake: Andy Warhol’s Social Network
Shohei Katayama’s Installation Takes Over the Mattress Factory
Roni Taharlev’s Penetrating Gaze

Bunker Review

The Shadowy Brightness of Hot House
The Distributive Property of the Unknown
The Remembering Room: Impossible Life Cycles
Silicon Valley Sally: Anisha Baid’s MS User

Want to schedule a studio visit, PITCH TO UP, OR book me as a guest critic? Get in touch via Instagram or email.